Dr. Mayada Alkhakany

Pharma Frontiers


Dr. Mayada Alkhakany is a highly accomplished healthcare professional with an impressive track record of success in the pharmaceutical industry. Currently serving as Regional Healthcare Affairs, Innovation, and Patient Engagement for India, Middle East, Turkey, and Africa at Boehringer Ingelheim, based in the United Arab Emirates, she brings a wealth of experience to her role.

Before her current position, Dr. Alkhakany held several key positions at Boehringer Ingelheim, including Global Senior Non-Trial Activities Manager, based in Germany. She also served as the head of pharmacovigilance for the Middle East, Turkey, and Africa, based in the United Arab Emirates, where she was responsible for ensuring patient safety across the region.

Dr. Alkhakany is a recognized leader in pharmacovigilance and patient engagement, serves as an Advisory Board member for ISoP (International Society of Pharmacovigilance) and founder/ chair of the ISoP Patient Engagement Group. As a co-founder and ex-president of the ISoP Middle East chapter, she led the local organizing committee for the 2021 annual meeting in Oman. Additionally, she actively participates in ISPOR, contributing to patient engagement, medical adherence, and digital solution special interest groups.

Throughout her tenure, she has had the privilege of closely collaborating with numerous patient organizations, advocating for the integration of patient perspectives into the broader healthcare journey. Acknowledging the invaluable insights that patients provide, she has facilitated a series of interviews, providing them with a platform to share their narratives with healthcare providers. This initiative illuminates the intricate facets of the patient journey.
