Qatar Charity (QC) has embarked on a crucial mission to support Sudan’s healthcare system by sending specialized medical supplies for kidney diseases and cancer. This humanitarian effort, made possible by the generous contributions of the people of Qatar, is a testament to QC’s commitment to aiding Sudan during its time of need.
The aid shipment, dispatched from Turkey’s Istanbul Airport to Port Sudan Airport, is a response to an urgent appeal from the Sudanese Federal Ministry of Health. The shipment, consisting of 70 tons of specialized medicines and medical supplies, arrived via four planes.
The arrival of the first batch of aid at Port Sudan Airport was met with the presence of Sudanese Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Haitham Mohamed Ibrahim, and Qatar’s Ambassador to Sudan, HE Mohamed bin Ibrahim Al Sada. Mr. Ahmad Yousef Fakhroo, CEO’s assistant for the Resources Development and Media Sector at Qatar Charity, was also in attendance.
This vital aid includes essential cancer medications, marking the first delivery of such medicines to Sudan since the onset of the ongoing conflict. With cancer medications in short supply for approximately 18,000 patients across the country, this grant provides a glimmer of hope for their treatment.
Additionally, the aid addresses the needs of around 8,000 kidney dialysis patients in various states of Sudan, a critical lifeline for those suffering from kidney failure.
HE Mohamed bin Ibrahim Al Sada expressed his gratitude upon receiving the first plane, emphasizing that this medical aid is a swift response to Sudan’s urgent requirements for specialized medicines to treat kidney and cancer patients. He extended his thanks to the Turkish government for its role in facilitating this humanitarian effort.
Mr. Ahmad Yousef Fakhroo highlighted the significance of this shipment, given the scarcity of specialized medicines in Sudan. These high-quality medications are tailored to the specific needs of cancer and kidney patients. He expressed heartfelt appreciation to the generous donors from Qatar who have enabled Qatar Charity’s humanitarian initiatives, recognizing the immense impact of the crisis on Sudan’s healthcare system.
Mr. Jamal al-Nile Abdullah, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Chairman of the Humanitarian Committee commended the support of Qatar and Turkey to Sudan. He acknowledged Qatar Charity’s swift response in providing essential medical assistance to address Sudan’s healthcare needs during these challenging times.
This medical aid represents Qatar Charity’s continued commitment to helping those affected by the conflict in Sudan. In addition to this shipment, Qatar Charity has already provided vital medical supplies, including blood bags, IV fluids, and ABG devices. Their support also extends to enhancing operations at the AlNau Hospital, reinforcing healthcare efforts in Sudan.
As Qatar Charity extends a lifeline to kidney and cancer patients in Sudan, it demonstrates the organization’s unwavering dedication to humanitarian causes and its mission to alleviate suffering in the region.