Hyderabad, India- In a heartbreaking incident, a 28-year-old businessman from Hyderabad lost his life during a dental procedure aimed at enhancing his smile just weeks before his scheduled wedding. The procedure took place at a clinic in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, India, last week and ended in tragedy, prompting an investigation by local authorities.
The victim, identified as Laxmi Narayana Vinjam, had visited the clinic alone for a ‘smile designing’ procedure. However, the joyous occasion quickly turned into a nightmare when he fell unconscious after being administered anesthesia during the process on February 16. This alarming development suggested the possibility of a fatal drug overdose, as indicated by Vinjam Ramulu, the father of the deceased.
Following the unfortunate incident, a case has been registered against the dental clinic under Section 304A of the IPC for causing death by negligence, based on a complaint filed by Vinjam’s family. The victim’s father emphasized that his son had been in good health with no prior health issues, placing the blame squarely on the clinic’s doctors for their alleged negligence.
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The news of Laxmi Narayana’s untimely demise has left his family and friends devastated, especially considering that he had recently become engaged and was eagerly anticipating his upcoming wedding next month.
The incident has sparked widespread concern and highlights the importance of stringent safety measures and oversight in medical procedures to prevent such tragedies from occurring in the future.